

Sorry for the rant, but I’d really like you to reconsider this reoccurring way of thinking, where you demand we abandon our intuition in favor of proving everything first. Even if someone’s intuition ends up being wrong, it’s easier and less stressful to fix it later than to seek rock-solid proof for every decision we make, before we are allowed to make it. Humans don’t work like that.

A luxury humans have and computers don’t is intuition. Try not to forget that, especially if you are a human who works with computers.


United we stand…

…divided we go back decades in time. Great article by Martin Varsavsky in Huffington Post:

As I see it, the future of Europe is “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”

Do countries want to lose so much sovereignty? Probably not; they are established nations with great pride. But given the alternative, they should. As it is, Europe is a continent in which each country is married but it can mess around. That regime won’t work. It’s either Europe or divorce.

And that’s what I’ve been saying all along, especially as I listened to various “economic analysts”, mainly British, as they called for the abandonment of Euro. All unions experience ups and downs. But when a crisis hits, weak unions fall apart, while strong ones unite even more.


Reality abstraction disservice

“Is this restaurant popular with students?”, asks my friend from Belgrade, looking around at the tables packed with young people in their late teens and early twenties. “All restaurants in Slovenia are popular with students”, I reply. The restaurant we’re in doesn’t look like a rat hole to my friend — on the contrary — so his face turns from indifferent to WTF in a matter of seconds. “How come?”, he asks. I must admit I enjoy being asked this by people from abroad. I’ve lived in Slovenia for 7 years and never gotten tired of explaining what “student status” means around here. So I tell him the story about the food coupons, which let any student in Slovenia buy a government-subsidiesed, full-course meal at just about any restaurant, usually for less than 3.5€.

When my friend and I were students in Belgrade, all we got from our government was trouble. We were far from regular visitors of any restaurant and when we did have the rare pleasure of eating a full course lunch at one, every last dinar was paid by our hard-earned, non-EU, envelope-delivered salaries. We both worked full-time during studies, but without contracts or benefits — the usual arrangement for Serbia at the time. We studied at night and during weekends. Food was usually provided by bakeries and moms.

I realize we may come off as supermen — an image every proud Balkan man is trying hard to obtain — but I still assure you we were no rare exception. And I don’t mind that. Even today, that’s what my perception of student life is like, more or less. To use one of my favorite quotes from The Layer Cake:

You’re born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you’re up in the rarefied atmosphere and you’ve forgotten what shit even looks like.

And you get to eat a full course meal at a fancy restaurant every day.

But these crazy food subsidies are not where the goodness of being a student ends. There are two classes of employees here: 1) mortals, full-time employees, who pay high, EU-style taxes and 2) students, cheap, tax-free employees, able to fill any position from manual labor to research, from part-time to full-time. The former group has trouble finding work lately, while the latter remains in relatively high demand.

The problem occurs when students are about to lose “the status”. You know, when they remember the original purpose of studying and decide they actually want to graduate. That’s when the biggest irony of all happens: you graduated… so you lose your job. For example, a friend’s girlfriend got a Masters degree and is about to lose her job because of it. My wife’s friend enrolled into a new University programme upon graduation, so she can keep her “status” and retain all the benefits, including her job.

I once joked how 90% of the customers in the majority of Ljubljana‘s restaurants during lunchtime are students, while the other 10% are tax payers with high salaries. Except that it’s not a joke. The government of Slovenia is providing its youth with a unique disservice. I call it: the reality abstraction disservice. It is meant to keep the youth comfortably tucked in the warm blanket of benefits, protecting them from the cold reality until well into their adulthood. Eventually, though, they get dumped right in there, unprepared, like puppies into a wild river.


Names of your kids’ friends and doctors

I am reminded of how this detachment played out in the custody battle between film director Woody Allen and his former partner Mia Farrow. To get a sense of Allen’s relationship with his children, the judge asked him to name his kids’ friends and doctors, but Allen could not do so. Like the first two fathers described at the beginning of this chapter, Allen lived in a world apart from his children. Such fathers are outsiders looking in, missing countless opportunities to connect with their kids in meaningful and helpful ways.

From John Gottman’s excellent book: Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child


Users = meaning

If I was to ask you, a fellow programmer, what you truly, honestly think about the application you’ve been working on for the past several months, your answer would very likely be that it’s shit. Maybe even useless shit. And then you’d cry. Or not, but anyway…

Let’s be honest: All of us, programmers, eventually get this feeling in our guts that what we have built is shit. Even when managers and sales people praise our work and compare it to Apple’s or Google’s, we may smile and nod but, deep down, we still feel that they are just trying to be nice.

However, the reality, which often eludes programmers, is that most of what they build isn’t bad at all.

What programmers need to be proven wrong is not praise, but users. We have to see many smiling, satisfied humans, whose lives have been made a little easier since they started using our application. After a few thousand of them we may be able to say: “Maybe this application isn’t a complete and utter shit, after all. Maybe my work does have a meaning.”. If our application gets tens or even hundreds of thousands of satisfied users, not to mention millions, we may even admit that it’s not bad. Unfortunately, this often eludes managers and sales people.

For example, while I was at Intera, one of the happiest moments I experienced was when I realized that our first client had been happily adding users to our CRM application for more than a year, without complaining even once. At Parsek, it was when I heard from a bank manager that 70% of their clients are happily using the e-banking software I was working on. One of my biggest smiles at Celtra was caused by several fantastic ads, built in a day by some guy from Google, whom I still haven’t met.

No matter how much we sometimes like to make fun of our users, they bring meaning into our work. So a huge buffer zone between them and us can be a motivation killer. While it’s generally fine to protect programmers’ peace to some extent, you should still let them connect to the users of their work.
